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 Suriname at the 2019 FIRST* Global Robotics Challenge 


 *For Inspiration and Recognizion of Science and Technology

Suriname Robotics Team Arrival

Images of prep in Suriname; games in Dubai & cultural exchange experience

Country: Dubai, United Arab Emirated

Dates: 24 - 27 October 2019

Place: Festival City Arena

Countries/teams  participating: 189


Live broadcast link: here

Official  FG Team page: Suriname

Official Suriname FG Partner: YHS

Team Suriname Manager: Ashna Mahepal

Lead Technical Mentor: Dr. Daniel Lachman
Lead Coding Mentor: Shayant Sital
Jr. Project Administrator: Shivani Jhagroe

Assistant Technical Mentor: Ayan Jhagroe
Peer Mentors: Lesley Uiterloo and Ivana Codrington 


Robotics Team Suriname:
Armelle Hijmans (Student Teamcaptain)
Jeremy Richaards (Robot programmer)
Joel Naarendorp (Robot builder)
Sergio Satijo (Robot Programmer/Builder)
Vyash Hirasingh (Robot builder)




The 2019 FGC game challenge theme 'Ocean Opportunities' draws attention to the global challenge of polluted waters and the urgent need for decontamination and preservation using STEM and Robots solutions.

Since 2017, when Suriname first became part of FIRST Global to this 3rd consecutive year, about 350 students and pupils in various regions in Suriname and from different levels of education have been exposed to FG Robotics. From motivational awareness sessions to STEAM-IT Fairs, to being part of the Open Day of the Math and Science Faculty of the University in Suriname. YHS has continued to mentor youth in developing robotics, innovation and (international) collaboration skills while also empowering peer mentors through projects like Tech Genius. Our Team has been to Washington DC in 2017 to Mexico City in 2018 and now, in 2019 to Dubai (UAE) in the far east !


By adding new students to the teams representing Suriname at the FGC, YHS supports FG's goal to grow the network of young STEM minds within all countries  across the globe and FG's mission to inspire Science and Technology Leadership and Innovation in young people from all nations in order to increase understanding, impress the importance of cooperation, address the world’s most critical issues, and improve quality of life for all. The FGC games in general aim to stimulate STEM, Innovation and its application through Robotics for solving the most urgent challenges of our planet, as related to water, energy, security, medicine, food, and education. Each year's FG theme originates from one of these real-life challenges and while it creates awareness and educates young minds, it also triggers them to be creative to use Tech/Robotics to tackle the issues on a simulated field, they are quiped and empowered to persui STEM careers and tackle the issues in the real world using the global resources network of FIRST.



Foundation Young Help Suriname (YHS), is the official counterpart of Suriname to FIRST Global, represented bij YHS's

co-founder Ms. K.  Ashna Mahepal


For YHS, the FGC games are not only the highlight for a young person to have a life impacting global inspirational experience amidst like-minded tech peers from over 180 countries, but they’re increasingly about the students and mentors becoming aware of the many opportunities of collaboration in the field of technology, innovation and robotics (now and in the future). FG is a platform opening doors of global cooperation and opportunity to contribute and for this Suriname needs to be present and part of the Robotics/Tech movement. 

In 2018 Suriname participated at the FIRST Global game challenge held in Mexico City and ranked on the list of 161 in the top 53 countries with most cumulative points in alliance; while based on number of games won, we ended on spot 103.  In 2017 Suriname ended in the top 50 on a list of 163 teams. More on: FGC 2017 and FGC2018.

Team Suriname FGC2019.jpg

The 2019 Suriname team that will be working on the Suriname Robot


The 2019 FGC project support team


Preparation stages the Suriname team will go through in Suriname:

  • Game Challenge Analysis & Strategizing

  • Ideation

  • Robot Design 

  • Prototyping: Conversion of design to mechanical design

  • Wiring and programming

  • Testing and Operating

  • Adjustments in design, programming

  • Trial and error runs (PDCA cycle repetitions)

  • Testing and Practice on 2019 FGC Game Challenge field model

Getting ready for the october FGC 2019 challenge
Team 2019 FGC - Suriname.jpg

The 2019 FGC Suriname Robotics Team

From left to right:


1. Jeremy Richaards (16 yrs) - Robot  Programmer

2. Vyash Hirasingh (18 yrs) - Robot Builder


3. Armelle Hijmans (16 yrs) - Robot Builder


4. Joel Naarendorp (18 yrs) - Robot Programmer


5. Sergio Satijo (18 yrs) - Robot Programmer/Builder

(students 1-4 are from the capital Paramaribo and student 5 is from the Rice district Nickerie, in the east of Suriname)  


Ocean Opportunities - the Challenge

Two alliances of 3 robots each, strategize to cooperate and collect micro and macro pollutants (yellow balls) from the simulated ocean floor and desposit them at 3 possible processing levels on the processing bardge in the centre of the field: recovery-, recycle- and reuse level (low- middle and top level). At the end of the game each robot needs to be docked on docking stations or fully elevate themselves from the floor for maximum 20 points. Each game round lasts about 2.30 minutes. When both teams manage to remove all pollutants, they receive a coopertition bonus point.

More about the game here

RANKING 2019 FGC (189 countries/teams)



Based on accumulated total points

Categorie Robots scoring over 1000 points: 34 countries

Categorie 900 points: 31 countries
Categorie 800 points: 46
Categorie 700 points: 49
 countries ........................ (Suriname: 756 points)
Categorie 600 points: 22
Categorie 400-500 points: 07 countries



Based on Ranking Points (number of matches won in alliance)

See the full list here  including list of awards.


001     Israel
002    Romania
003    Belarus

039    Guyana
078    India


144   Sweden

147   Kraotia

148   Suriname

149   Brasil

177    New Zealand
179   Netherlands

182   Panama

186  Bahamas



FIRST Global Winning Alliance Award
(Awarded to teh 4 teams in teh winning alliance in the final match):

Balrus - Moldova - Norway and Team Hope





''all the kids won, despite the misbehaviors of their robot".

Dean Kamen 



Platinum Partners

yhs logo 2.jpg

Gold Partners


Silver Partners


Mr. Ashwin Adhin

PROJECT Management Team

Ashna Mahepal - Project Manager

Shivani Jhagroe - Junior Project Manager

Lesley Uiterloo -  Administration assistant

Joel Naarendorp - Administration assistant

Indrawtie Mahepal - Gopalrai - Logistics Support


Mentor Team

Danny Lachman - Lead Technical Mentor

Ayan Jhagroe - Assistant Technical Peer Mentor

Shayant Sital - Lead Coding Mentor
Lesley Uiterloo -  Peer Mentor

Ivana Codrington  - Senior Peer Mentor



Team supporters /volunteers

Team Video footage - Kishan Ramsukul & Soraya Ramsukul - Jhagroe

Practice Field - Gelton Kadosoe
Team logo designer - Jair Moeljomenawi

Team fotoshoot - Kishan Ramsukul

Notary Services - Notariaat Jadnanansingh
Robot Travel Box - Vyash Hirasingh

Protrade International NV.

Centraal Bureau Burgerzaken Suriname - afdeling Paspoorten
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur (& Inspectie)
Natuurtechnisch Instituut (Natin)

Faculteit Technologische Wetenschappen (FTeW)

All FB/LinkedIn post likers and post sharers/topfans.

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